I’m doing the work for Covington.

I’m canvassing every neighborhood in Covington, 4-8 hours a day, six days a week. I’ve spoken with hundreds of neighbors, with a couple thousand more on my list. I’m the first commissioner candidate that many (even long-time) residents have ever met. As disappointing as that is, folks understand my commitment to Covington.

The miles I’m walking don’t cost anything, but the flyers and business cards I’m handing out do. And to make sure that I reach as many neighbors as I can, I’m advertising in other venues and have other strategies planned. I’ll provide an accounting of funds spent so far upon request.

If you agree that commissioners should commit full-time to the position and spend more time engaging the community, please consider supporting this campaign. Let’s re-imagine how commissioners serve Covington residents. Click the button below to help me spread the word on what we can achieve together.